James Hildreth
12/12/2019 6:31 PM
Could someone please post the email address for paypal payments for membership renewals - clicking the renew button on the front page and following the instructions just takes me in a loop. When I go to renew it keeps telling me I'm a member and takes back to the front page. it very frustrating.
Eric Dyck
12/19/2019 12:06 PM
I was able to change a setting in the website so that members may renew their memberships through the ISGC website now, before their memberships expire. If you haven't renewed yet, you will see a pop-up reminder to renew when you log in. You can then go to the Join/Renew page to renew if you wish. If you renew through the website, your expiration date will be automatically updated.
If you have already renewed without going through the website, you may still see the reminder to renew pop up when you log in. Ignore it, it will go away after I am able to manually update your expiration date in the site.
Please let me know if you experience any difficulty with this process, or have any questions.
Eric Dyck
Librarian and Website Administrator