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  2024 ISGC Auction Scans
     AP Cover March 2019   

    Member David Lindwall's article
    got Guatemala? was published in
     the March 2019 issue of
    The American Philatelist. APS members
     may read the article online here.

   Topical Time cover

   The March/April 2019 issue of
   Topical Time,
   the journal of the American Topical
, contains two articles on
   Mayan topics on stamps.

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Home2022 Stamp Chats

On the first Monday of each month, the ISGC hosts a live chat on Guatemala philately. Sessions last one hour and begin with a short presentation followed by a question and answer period and time to socialize. Members from around the globe are able to meet and chat. This is a unique opportunity to meet collectors with similar interests. Each philatelic presentation is recorded for future viewing. Links to the 2022 recorded chats hosted on the ISGC YouTube Channel are listed below. are listed below.


2022 Stamp Chats


January 3, 2022  Yuri Montez  The Travelling Post Offices of Guatemala - Part 1  Link to YouTube video


February 7, 2022  Yuri Montez  The Travelling Post Offices of Guatemala - Part 2  Link to YouTube video

     Yuri Montes continues with the second part of a discussion on the Ambulantes (Railway Postals) of Guatemala.


March 7, 2022  Michael Bloom  “Oldies but Goodies” Review of Past EQ articles  Link to YouTube video

     Michael Bloom takes us on a nostalgic journey into a subject based on published article in El Quetzal and other sources.


April 4, 2022  Bill Meara  The 1954 Guatemala Coup D'état   Link to YouTube video

Bill Meara is a diplomat who worked in Guatemala. This non-philatelic presentation provides an insider's view of an unhappy interlude in Guatemala history.


May 2, 2022  Rod Haenni  ISGC Jeopardy Game  Link to YouTube video
     Using the format of TV's Jeopardy show, Rod Haenni will challenge us with Guatemala stamp related answers. The audience provides the questions.


June 6, 2022  Yuri Montez  The Travelling Post Offices of Guatemala - Part 3  Link to YouTube video
     Yuri Montes continues with the third part of a discussion on the Ambulantes (Railway Postals) of Guatemala.

July 11, 2022  Dave Lindwall  Guatemala's Presidents on Stamps  Link to YouTube video
     David Lindwall lived in Guatemala and served the U.S. as a diplomat there. He will discuss the presidents whose portraits appear on Guatemala's stamps.

August 1, 2022 Michael Bloom  Update on the ISGC Handbook Project  Link to YouTube video
     Michael Bloom is leading the ISGC's Handbook Project. Having completed The Enhanced Reprint of G-1, G-2, G-3, he will introduce the crowd-sourcing phase of the project.

October 3, 2022  Yuri Montez  The Travelling Post Offices of Guatemala - Part 4  Link to YouTube video
     Yuri Montes continues with the fourth part of a discussion on the Ambulantes (Railway Postals) of Guatemala.

November 7, 2022  Michael Bloom  Papel Sellado of Guatemala  Link to YouTube video
     Papel Sellado are revenue stamped papers. Lead by Michael Bloom, we will look all the way back to the 1640's at examples of how Spain's colonies collected taxes. Papel Sellado continued into the late 20th Century.

December 5, 2022 No Stamp Chat this month. Enjoy your Holidays!